Fire proximity suit

Product Detail Fire proximity suit
Parmin Savice, as a knowledge-based company, is proud to produce and supply all kinds of refractory clothes for furnace personnel to metal and non-metal industries.
Overcoat and Pants
Fully covered fireproof clothing, including orkut and aluminum-covered pants, provides maximum
thermal protection for personnel operating very close to the furnace.
Fireproof Apron
Refractory aprons are used for any daily furnace-related activity, including periodic process status checks, melt temperature measurements, removal of parts from the furnace, and other occasional high-temperature contacts.
Fireproof gaiters and gloves
Most burns due to heat and melt spraying are related to damage to the hands and feet. The use of fireproof gloves and gaiters can greatly improve the safety of furnace personnel.
Characteristics :
Total weight of orkut and pants less than 1.5 kg
Excellent behavior against splashes of molten steel, cast iron, aluminum, etc.
Reflect more than 90% of radiant heat
High resistance to abrasion and tearing
Very high flexibility and convenience in long-term use
No asbestos and chemicals