Fire Curtain

Product Detail Fire Curtain
The curtain or firewall project has been designed and produced in order to prevent the penetration and spread of fire in the installation tunnel, instrumentation and power transmission lines of industrial complexes, especially rolling units.
The product withstands temperatures of 1100 degrees Celsius, resistance to flame, spraying of melt and hot fluid, as well as excellent flexibility to prevent the penetration and spread of fire to other parts of production. Ease of installation based on the needs of the complex will allow easy inspection of equipment.
Implementation in 3 Steps:
- Preliminary visit to check the project location and dimensions of the project
- Design and production of fire curtains in accordance with the latest international fire control standards
- Installation and delivery by providing thermometric surveys performed on the design
The project is implemented taking into account the environmental conditions, the location of the equipment for protection and ease of inspection of protected equipment.
Parmin Savice Group has registered two general methods for fire control and its penetration in accordance with international standards at the national and international levels, which can be designed and compiled by considering the details of the design separately or in combination.
If you would like a preliminary review and feasibility study of the design, please contact us.